Tag Archives: Seventh Fleet

Ticonderoga Activity: USS Kelly 25th Anniversary Party

As many of you know, the USS Kelly was the mothership that launched the chapter-in-training that eventually became the USS Ticonderoga.  September 2011 is the 25th Anniversary of the USS Kelly as a Star Trek fan club.  The USS Kelly has been promoting Star Trek and the values that we try to live up to since 1986.  And they have been doing this without charging any dues during the club’s entire run.  They have no plans to charge dues in the future as well.

The USS Ticonderoga crew wanted to celebrate with our Star Trek family by making the 25th Anniversary party the official monthly activity.  Here is the invitation from the USS Kelly.

Get Ready to come in your Birthday suit

No, not that one, you silly-dilly. Starfleet regulations for modesty still apply. The grand lady known as the USS Kelly has had a birthday, and it’s a big one. Unlike some women who are shy about revealing the number, she’s proud of her age and has earned every one of her years. As of September 1st, the USS Kelly turned 25. That’s right, 25 years. A quarter of a century. Two and a half decades. The big 2-5…

This, my friends, most definitely calls for a party.

What: USS Kelly 25th anniversary party
Where: Captain Thalmann’s inlaw’s house
4170 Long Valley Road (about 6100 W) West Valley City, UT
When: Saturday, Septmber 24th– yes, that’s THIS SATURDAY folks
Time: 2:00 to 6:00 p.m.

Tentative schedule of activities includes:

2:00 p.m. Meet/Mingle and ‘Polynesian’ Style
4:00 p.m. Stuff ourselves silly/eat during Ship business and entertainment
5:00 P.M. end of activity/cleanup begins (easy service points, anyone?)

**Please Note**

This event will have a Hawaiian-Luau theme, and all who attend are encouraged to dress appropriately. Mark the date on your calendars, save the date, and start collecting party favors. This party is going to be one for the record books.

2011 Seventh Fleet Olympics results

The crew of the USS Ticonderoga had a blast at the 2011 Seventh Fleet Olymipcs hosted by the USS Atlantis in Idaho.  Here are the results of having fun with our Star Trek family.

Tribble Hunt (Cadet): Gold- Vivan Trowbridge, Silver- Alex Stock, Bronze- Aurora Stark

Shuttle Launch (Cadet): Gold- Samuel Hollinger, Silver- Vivian Trowbridge, Bronze- Katherine Trowbridge

Geese Juggling (Cadet): Gold- Aurora Stark, Silver- Katherine Trowbridge, Bronze- Aunika Corr

Pin the Tail on the T-Rex (Cadet): Gold- Dakota Hohnstein, Silver- Kelby Marroquin, Bronze- Aurora Stark

Phaser, Shield, Horta (Cadet): Gold- Samuel Hollinger, Silver- Katherine Trowbridge, Bronze- Aunika Corr

Minefield (Cadet): Gold- Dakota Hohnstein, Silver- Samuel Hollinger, Bronze- Alex Stock

Shields (Cadet): Gold- Samuel Hollinger, Silver- Vivan Trowbridge, Bronze- Alex Stock

Orions Pirate Dice: Gold- Lt. Cmdr. Jill Bogler, Silver- Lt. Kasey Stevens, Bronze- Lt. Aaron Stevens

Starfleet Intelligence: Gold- Admiral Carl Stark, Silver- Captain Rex Rouviere, Bronze- Lt. Cmdr. Roger Taylor

Eggscape Pod: Gold- Cmdr. Ross Trowbridge, Silver- Lt. (j.g.) Tristan Vilhauer, Bronze- Lt. Cmdr. Roger Taylor

Subspace Interference: Gold- Lt. Cmdr. Roger Taylor, Silver- Crewman Rick Hauerd, Bronze- Captain Rex Rouviere

Dicey Situation: Gold- Captain Rex Rouviere, Silver- Captain Erica Stark, Bronze- Lt. Dave Stock

Transporter Malfunction: Gold- Lt. Justin Rouviere, Silver- Crewman Josh Taylor, Bronze- Ensign Josh Merrill

Phaser Range: Gold- Lt. Dave Stock, Silver- Captain David Thallman, Bronze- Crewman Rick Hauerd

Saucer Separation: Gold- Lt. Dave Stock, Silver- Ensign Josh Merrill, Bronze- Captain Dave Thallman

Torpedo Lock: Gold- Admiral Dennis Hollinger, Silver- Captain Marla Trowbridge, Bronze- Lt. Dave Stock

Q’Vak: Gold- Ensign Matt Quinn, Silver- Captain Rex Rouviere, Bronze- Lt. (j.g.) Josh Linscott

Shields: Gold- Captain Rex Rouviere, Silver- Lt. (j.g.) Jeremy Rouviere, Bronze- Lt. Cmdr. Jill Bogler

Minefield: Gold- Colby Hohnstein & Dave Stock, Silver- Josh Taylor & Matt Quinn, Bronze- Josh Merrill & Josh Linscott

Power Transfer: Gold- Josh Merrill & Josh Linscott, Silver- Marla Trowbridge & Matt Chism, Bronze- Justin Rouviere & Jeremy Rouviere

Duterium Transfer: Gold- Aunika, Jeff, Josh M, Kenway, Carl, Josh L & Alex  Silver- Vicki, Justin, Jeremy, Dennis, Galen, Colby, Dakota & Kelby

Technobabble: Gold- Aaron, Dave, Carol, Galen, Lilly, Rick, Carl, Tristan & John  Silver- Tristan, Casey, Alex, Marla, Matt, Dennis, Jeremy, Justin, Jill & Ruth

Once again the USS Ticonderoga would love to thank the command and crew of the USS Atlantis for all of the hard work they put into the games.  We also loved seeing all of our Star Trek family in the Seventh Fleet.

USS Ticonderoga and USS Kelly Activities this week

Greetings Crew.  This week we have two activities that we want to bring up.   The first is a fun activity at Boondocks in Kaysville.  The second is a fund raiser auction for our mothership, the USS Kelly.

On Tuesday, June 14th is the monthly USS Ticonderoga activity.  The crew voted to go to the Boondocks Fun Center located at 525 S. Deseret Drive in Kaysville.  This is where we held the lasertag activity in February.  The official start time will be 5:00 pm, though you can get there as early as you’d like.  Cost is $17.00 per person for unlimited activities (i.e. everything), which is less than the regular child’s rate on other days.  Since Captain Erica Stark will be attending a special conference for some Commanding Officers (uh…ok fine she’s going to a Lunch Lady Convention) the Ticonderoga Executive Officer Lt. Dave Stock will be in charge, so make sure you check in with him.  Rear Admiral Stark will also be in attendance, so consider it open season in lasertag, boat battles and go-kart races.  Currently some of the crew are sending in their suggestions to Lt. Stock on where they would like to go for dinner after the fun.  If you have any suggestions, email him at XO@USSTiconderoga.org

On Saturday, June 18th is the USS Kelly auction.  As you all know we do not charge dues to join our chapters or the Seventh Fleet.  So every once in a while a fund raiser is held to cover basic operational costs.  Since the Kelly is our mothership and since they have come to our past auctions, we would like to encourage you to attend this function.  We do not Stand Alone!!!!   This will start with lunch at 12:00pm (Corrected the time to noon).  Lunch will be $3.00/plate or $12.00/family (4+).  The auction will start after lunch and contains a lot of Star Trek and Science Fiction/Fantasy collectables.  The location for the auction will be 12172 South 3040 West Riverton, Utah.

If you have any questions on the activities, or an other upcoming events seen on the Events Page, feel free to contact your Department Chief or the Executive Officer.

A video of the fun at Starfest 2011

So members of the USS Ticonderoga and the Seventh Fleet had a ton of fun last weekend.  WE had the opportunity to join our friends at Starfest 2011 in Denver.  While we were there, Brian Wesley of the USS Kelly had taken a ton of video footage.  He has been putting it together ind different videos showing the fun that was had at the con.  Here is the first video that he has posted on YouTube.


What memories do you have of the convention?


Changes coming for the USS Ticonderoga

At the monthly USS Ticonderoga meeting on Wednesday, November 10th, Admiral Dennis Hollinger made an announcement regarding the Seventh Fleet.  With the growth of our Star Trek family, with more and more chapters, there has become a need for additional assistance in fleet operations.  Admiral Hollinger has named Captain Carl Stark as his new assistant and will be promoting him to the rank of Rear Admiral at the January 29th Admiral’s Banquet.

To fill the position of USS Ticonderoga Commanding Officer, Lt. Erica Stark will be given a field promotion to Captain.  This promotion and change of command will also happen at the Admiral’s Banquet.  A field promotion means that Lt. Stark will continue with her rank advancement program set down by the fleet and also report her progress at regular intervals to the Seventh Fleet Council.

With the change of command will also come a change of command styles.  Some things will remain the same.  The USS Ticonderoga will still be focused on serving our Star Trek family, on completing our community service projects and our goal of having fun with our fandom.  But there will be some changes that come with a new commanding officer.  Soon to be Captain Erica Stark has asked Lt. Dave Stock to be her Executive Officer when the change of command happens in January.  She has also asked Lt. Kevin Hancock to remain on the Command Staff as the Second Officer/Strategic Operations Officer, continuing his position that he has fulfilled for the past several years.

After the change of command ceremony, all current Department Chiefs will be released from their positions, with our thanks.  Starting now, anyone may apply for any department chief position.  An application and list of department chief duties will be available at the December 8th USS Ticonderoga monthly meeting.  The new department chief’s will officially be introduced at the Ticonderoga’s February meeting.  There will also be an opportunity for crewmembers to transfer between any department with one exception.  Due to the massive size of the Tactical Department, a transfer into that department will only be allowed if someone leaves that department.

If you have any questions regarding the changes or transfers, feel free to contact your Department Chief or a member of the Command Staff.

Tally ho,
Captain Carl Stark, Commanding Officer
USS Ticonderoga, NCC-74676

Personal Note from Captain Carl Stark: I’ve had the opportunity to serve as your commanding officer since 1996.  This has been a wonderful opportunity to make new friends, support you as members of my Star Trek family and learn from each and every one of you.  I will still be coming to future meetings and activities, I just get to enjoy the seats as a member of the audience.  I ask that you support soon to be Captain Erica Stark as much as you have supported me.  I know she has a lot of wonderful ideas on where she wants to take the club in our travels through the undiscovered country.  I also ask that you don’t make the assumption that if a piece of information was given to one of us, that it was automatically passed on to the other.  Both of our positions will require us to do a lot of talking and traveling and things may slip through the cracks.  Lets make sure we are using the proper lines of communication that we have set up within our organization.  This has been one of our strengths in the past, lets continue to use that strength now in our time of change.  I thank you all for being members of my Star Trek family and I look forward to serving all of you in a larger capacity.

Happy New (Star)Year

Happy New Staryear!!!!!   In the Seventh Fleet we have set up a system (documented on our website under Stardates) to translate calendar dates to “stardates”.  This gives our documentation a 24th Century feel that we see in the show.   They are not official and can’t really be used to translate the stardates we see on the show.  But it is something we have been using for quite some time.  Several members have also used these on their various blogs.

The new seasons of past Star Trek television series usually first aired in September.  Thus the new season of stardates would go up by one number.  This is the reason we start our new year in September.   So Happy New Year and welcome to Stardate 64090.1.

Seventh Fleet Olympics was a blast

Several members of the USS Ticonderoga at the 2010 Seventh Fleet Olympics
Several members of the USS Ticonderoga at the 2010 Seventh Fleet Olympics

The Seventh Fleet Olympics was held on Saturday, August 21 in Layton, Utah.  We had the opportunity to have fun with members of our Star Trek family from the USS Atlantis, USS Kelly, USS Rendezvous and USS Retributor.  A lot of Ticonderoga members walked away with medals, and more importantly more friendships.  We hope to post the results very soon.  What events did you guys like the most at the Olympics?

Seventh Fleet Olympic Schedule

As requested, here is the schedule for the upcoming Seventh Fleet Olympics.  This fleet wide event will be held on Saturday, August 21 at the Chapel Park (152 South 900 East) in Layton and will be hosted by the USS Retributor.  I would recommend arriving early to sign up for the entries that you wish to participate in.  I’m not certain if the number of slots are limited.

The events are divided into three categories.  Cadet (younger crewmembers), Ship (low active) and Away Team (very active).  This way there are events for everyone to medal in.  Some are team based, some are individual based.

10:00-11:00 Mingle and Event Sign Up

11:00-11:30 Shuttle Launch (Cadet); Shuttle Launch (Ship); Set Your Course (Away Team)

11:30-12:00 Screamer (Cadet); Queen to Queen’s Level 3 (Ship); Set Your Course (continued)

12:00-12:30 Minefield (Cadet); Anti-Gravity Rod (Ship); Minefield (Away Team)

12:30-13:30 Meal Break

13:30-14:00 Shields (Cadet); Shields (Ship); Sensor Separation/Picard (Away Teams)

14:00-14:30 One Moon Circles (Cadet); One Moon Circles (Ship); Sensor Separation/Picard (continued)

14:30-15:00 Geese Juggling (Cadet); Pipeline (Ship); Q’Vak (Away Teams)

15:00-15:30 Phasers, Shields, Horta (Cadet); Phasers, Shields, Horta (Ship); Last Red Shirt Standing (Away Team)

15:30-16:00 Deuterium Transfer (Cadet); Orion Pirate’s Dice (Ship); Deuterium Transfer (Away Team)

16:00-16:30 Deuterium Transfer (continued); Technobabble (Ship); Deuterium Transfer (continued)

16:30-17:00 Pin the Tail on the T-Rex (Cadet); Ship Puzzles (Ship); Survivor: Warp Bubble (Away Team)

17:00-18:00 Awards Ceremony

18:00 Clean Up (points awarded for helping)

We are looking forward to seeing everyone there.  This is one of the major chances to see everyone in the fleet.

News from Seventh Fleet Council meeting

Over the weekend the USS Ticonderoga hosted the quarterly Seventh Fleet Council Meeting.  Representatives from the USS Atlantis, USS Kelly, USS Rendezvous, USS Retributor and USS Ursa Major were also in attendance.  Captain Marla Trowbridge from the USS Rendezvous conducted the meeting. 

Some of the highlights from the agenda include the new meeting protocol (that we were currently experimenting with), the role of Admiral Hollinger and the format of the new Commanding Officer Exams (Admiral Hollinger had samples of the new test).  The new exams will make it easier for potential command grade officers to prepare for the upcoming test.  We have at least 6-7 upcoming officers who are ready to take the exam now. 

Captain Rouviere from the USS Retributor discussed the upcoming Seventh Fleet Olympics (which they are hosting) on Saturday, August 21 in Layton, Utah.  If you wish to partake of the catered lunch the money ($5/adults $2/kids)  is due by August 7th.  This is not a requirement to participate and you can bring your own lunch if you would like, but just remember that with no garbage service in the park you will need to haul out your own trash.   There is also a special T-Shirt that can be printed up for the Olympics.  The costs and samples are posted on the Seventh Fleet website under the quartermaster section.  The due date for these are also on August 7th.  Captain Rouviere also discussed the upcoming Seventh Fleet/Star Trek RPG campaigns that they are willing to run for the various chapters.  He then provided some of the Seventh Fleet RPG manuals to the commanding officers.  The last item covered by Captain Rouviere was the upcoming list of Seventh Fleet protocols.

Captain Stark from the USS Ticonderoga discussed the new Captain’s Mailing list.  It was decided to allow the Executive Officers/Second Officers access to the mailing list as well.  An update on the Seventh Fleet website was provided (and updates are still ongoing).  There is also a proposal currently being investigated by the Ticonderoga to see if 50-56 Seventh Fleet members and friends would be willing to charter a bus to Starfest in Denver next April.  The estimated cost on this would be between $80-100 per person.

Captain Corr from the USS Atlantis had reported their fundraising efforts at the recent Relay for Life in Idaho.  They were excited to have their first rank advancement in the Seventh Fleet system.  They also extended several invitations to Utah members to attend some of their upcoming events including the club’s 13th Anniversary and the Atlantian Race.

Captain Trowbridge of the USS Rendezvous brought up ideas with quarterly minutes and fleet information.  She also discussed sharing the cost of lunches provided by the hosting chapter.

The next quarterly meeting will be in October and will be hosted by the USS Atlantis.  The USS Ticonderoga will be the conducting party.