
Looking for Star Trek fun?
Looking for Star Trek fun?

We are always looking for new friends. If you are in patrol areas for the USS Ticonderoga (Northern Davis County and Weber County) feel free to come by one of the meetings every second Wednesday of the month at the Weber County Library- Southwest (Roy) Branch at 7:00pm.  (Note: There are members who travel from Logan and Salt Lake to attend meetings, but our parent organization has chapters in those areas as well).

As mentioned previously there is no charge to join the USS Ticonderoga or the Seventh Fleet. We operate on a pay-your-own-way philosophy.  Basically if the group attends an activity where there is an admittance fee (such as a movie) each person would purchase their own ticket.  To cover standard operating costs we will hold fundraisers as needed. We usually ask that those under the age of 16 be accompanied by a parent or guardian at activities.

NOTE: Even though we participate in various form of gaming (including RPGs, Computer Gaming, CCGs and others) we are not an online SIM (Simulation) group.

Membership Requirements:

1- Attend two meetings- Most Star Trek fans will attend at least one meeting just to see what it is like.  Some discover that this is not their cup of Earl Grey tea.  Those who wish to continue to have fun with us will return for more encounters.  If you are being recruited the recruiter will let you know when and where the meetings are.  If you are investigating on your own, feel free to contact the Commanding Officer or Executive Officer or check out the Events section of the USS  Ticonderoga website.  They will inform you of upcoming meetings.

2- Fill out an application- This will provide us with your contact information, introduce you to us and start your records.  You can also choose which department you wish to join.  Also if you were recruited by someone, this is the opportunity to credit them since they would receive Promotional Merit Points. We also have a character questionnaire and would like to get your photo for the records and website.

3- Meet the Command Staff- The Command Staff usually consists of the Commanding Officer and Executive Officer.  This also starts the introduction into the family and so that they can make you feel welcomed at meetings.

4- Receive your Orders- Once the above requirements have been filled, your application is sent to the Seventh Fleet. Upon its return you will be presented with a Certificate of Membership which contains your Service Number, Initial Rank and Department.

If there are any questions about joining, you can email You can also start the process by filling out the online application listed below or printing the PDF or Word version of the application.

Proud chapter of Starfleet Command's Seventh Fleet