Tag Archives: Site Updates

Online membership application is now live

The new online membership application for the USS Ticonderoga is now live. It has been tested and should be good to go. It can be found here ONLINE APPLICATION, or by clicking on “Join” from the top menu and click on “Online Application” from the pull down menu.

This can be used by Star Trek fans in our area that is interested in joining our free club. The application is one of the steps needed to acquire membership. The other requirements are to attend two USS Ticonderoga meetings or activities (we figured that if you come back a second time, you are interested in joining), meet the Commanding Officer (Captain Erica Stark) and Executive Officer (Lt. Commander Dave Stock). Once you have done the three items above, the Ticonderoga will submit your application to Starfleet Command’s Seventh Fleet for approval. They will send back the orders welcoming you to the fleet and chapter.

If there are any questions, please email us at Info@USSTiconderoga.org. If there are any issues with the form, please email Webmaster@USSTiconderoga.org.

The new online duty report is now live

We have made a major update to a section of the USS Ticonderoga website. We have switched the program for the online duty report that makes a simpler cleaner report. It also automates one of the steps in the process (thus taking out a possible bottleneck of getting your duty report to the Executive Officer).

You can now find this form by CLICKING HERE or clicking on the down arrow next to “Ranks” along the top menu and selecting “Online Duty Report” from the pull down menu. If you have the old online duty report bookmarked, you will want to replace it with the new URL linked above.

Don’t forget that submitting a monthly duty report helps to keep your membership status active. It also assists your Department Chief and Executive Officer with your rank advancements, merit awards and addressing any questions you may have. This is an important communication tool that works when people use it. You should be submitting the duty report for the months that have passed. Thus if you are submitting a duty report now for the month of March, select March from the pull down menu.

SPECIAL NOTE: This form has been tested on the following: Windows 10 Computer using Firefox, MS Edge and Google Chrome. Android Smart Phone using Google Chrome and Dolphin Browser. Amazon Fire Tablet using Silk Browser. They all submitted the form to the recipients. However if you want to make sure your form was received, mark “Yes” on “Please send me a copy of this duty report” and the Executive Officer will forward a copy of the report back to you.

If you have any issues or suggestions with the new form, please email them to Webmaster@USSTiconderoga.org.

communications restored

Stardate 96652.22 Due to a brief communications interruption Mr Hnack has restored communications to UssTiconderoga.org

We will not fail! We will not allow the Borg to assimilate us into the collective of malware sites and phishing scams. We have joined a new host that is human based and part of Mr Hnack’s trusted colleagues.

Thank you to the crew and family for their understanding

Live long and I-Sci-Fi.. do you?

Mr Hnack and family. @iscifitv

Restoration of the website

2x11gLast month our site was vandalized and thanks to the great efforts of our host and our server guru, Jeff, we were able to get back online quickly.  We had to run with a default theme for a few days while we had a chance to get some stuff back into order.  If you find something that is wrong or a link that is missing, please let us know at our webmaster email address.  We are running with a new theme with some new rotating graphics in the header.  We hope to have some more new features posted soon.  Thanks for sticking with us and see you at the next meeting.

New text reminder program

tumblr_mk90upZiyg1qfmdlzo4_250Several years ago we had a text reminder system.  Unfortunately this system fell apart and we could no longer use it.  We have now discovered a new way to send a reminder via your cell phone’s SMS texting system.  If you choose to participate in this system, we will send a reminder 24 hours just before meetings and activities.  So at the most you should receive about 2-3 text messages a month.  If you decide that you would like to participate in this system, please send an email to Captain@USSTiconderoga.org with your phone number and name of your mobile carrier (AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, etc.).  Once we have received your information, we will send you a test text message.

How to navigate around the USS Ticonderoga

So do you want to know where some of the various rooms are located on the USS Ticonderoga?  What do you think your quarters may look like (before you added your own touches)?  Ever wondered if there is a Springball court on the ship?  Need information on the Ticonderoga for that fanfic you are working on?  Want to know where the science station is on the bridge?  Well this website is developed to help you find out about the USS Ticonderoga as we’ve set it up in the Star Trek/Seventh Fleet universe.  For answers to most of the questions posted above, you can go directly to https://www.ussticonderoga.org/ship/ and you can not only see a deck by deck break down of the major sections.  You can also find images of some of the rooms that would typically be on board the USS Ticonderoga.

Of course all of this interior arranging leads to another question.  Where do you want your quarters to be on the Ticonderoga?  What deck and what room number?  What else should we have on the ship?  Post your suggestions in the comments section and let’s see what we can put together.

New USS Ticonderoga recruiting flyer now online

With the right tools you can do just about anything.  Currently we need to recruit new members.  A new USS Ticonderoga recruiting flyer was created to pass out at the recent TNG 25th Anniversary event in theaters.  A PDF of this flyer has now been posted on the Ticonderoga website for use in promoting the club.  We would like to get these flyers placed in as many geek hangouts as possible.  There are two flyers per page to make it easier on printing.  The flyer works well in color or black-n-white.  Lets get the word out about our Free Star Trek fan club to all interested fans.

You can find the flyer in the Downloads section or directly HERE.

2009 Star Trek Merit Sheet now online

The ADVOT/Merit Sheet for the 2009 Star Trek movie has now been posted online.   It can now be found in the Downloads section of the USS Ticonderoga website.  It can also be downloaded directly by clicking on this link here.  Once you have printed out this document you can put in your Star Trek 2009 DVD and answer the questions (they are presented in order as they appear on the film).  If you don’t have the DVD, you can watch it via streaming on Netflix.

Thanks to the various crewmembers who have sent in corrections on other merit sheets we have posted in the download section.  As we get more ADVOTs/Merit Sheets completed, we will post the announcements here.

USS Ticonderoga site is now live

We are now declaring that the new USS Ticonderoga site is live and officially launched.  This site has two purposes.  1- To introduce the USS Ticonderoga to potential new friends and members.  2- Information warehouse for Ticonderoga crewmembers looking for information on ADVOTs, club history, submitting reports, club flyers, rank advancements, etc.  This site was made for you.

At our July 14th  meeting we had a chance to present the site to the crew.  The Weber County Library has a computer cart with a projector screen so we were able to display the site on the movie screen.  We went over the different sections including the Online Application for new members and the Online Duty Report form for existing members (now both active).  We also showed off the Crew section with all of the individual Departments (with the photos and details of the crew.  We still need your info and photos for this section.  We also need crew submissions for the Spirit Guide section of the website.

This blog will be used as a source of information and entertainment for the Ticonderoga crew.  We will post news about the club, the Seventh Fleet and Star Trek/SF.  There will be crew highlights, trivia questions and caption contests.  PMPs will be awarded to members who post comments on the blog.

We are still working on the Photo Album and a few other sections.  And we will always be making improvements.  It was also suggested that we have a Shuttles section (crewmembers who have named their own vehicles as shuttles).  Several sections on the USS Ticonderoga site were suggested by different crewmembers. 

So what is your favorite section of the new site?  Post a comment here and let us know.