Seventh Fleet Olympics was a blast

Several members of the USS Ticonderoga at the 2010 Seventh Fleet Olympics
Several members of the USS Ticonderoga at the 2010 Seventh Fleet Olympics

The Seventh Fleet Olympics was held on Saturday, August 21 in Layton, Utah.  We had the opportunity to have fun with members of our Star Trek family from the USS Atlantis, USS Kelly, USS Rendezvous and USS Retributor.  A lot of Ticonderoga members walked away with medals, and more importantly more friendships.  We hope to post the results very soon.  What events did you guys like the most at the Olympics?

3 thoughts on “Seventh Fleet Olympics was a blast”

  1. It was great to see so many Tico members at the games this year. About half a dozen more members arrived a couple hours after this photo was taken.

  2. The Seventh Fleet Olympics was great this year I loved it and had tons of fun, It was a BLAST! Some of the events I enjoyed were the “Set your Course”, “Shields”, “Deterium Transfer” (Boy that was a workout but worth it!), and the “Ships puzzle”, among others.
    Kudos needs to go out to Rex and the crew of the Retruibuter for their hard work in hosting the games this year AWESOME JOB you guys!! Also it was great to see the USS Atlantis travel from Idaho to be with rest of our Trek Family at the games.

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