Netflix to stream all Star Trek tv series

For years Star Trek fans in Utah have been waiting for one of the local television stations to pick up any of the Star Trek series to show in syndication.  We have seen stations in other parts of the country airing Star Trek: The Next Generation.  We were also hoping that Deep Space Nine, Voyager or Enterprise would also be released to local stations for syndication.   The moment we hear of a local station showing any of the Star Trek series in syndication, we will promote it here.

Until then, we have been given another option to buying all of the DVDs.  Today Netflix and CBS announced an agreement to allow Netflix to stream various CBS shows to their customers.  This will start in April and continue for two years.  Details on this announcement can be found here:

If you had a choice, which Star Trek series would you like to see on local syndication?

Laser Tag at Boondocks

Here is a group shot of the USS Ticonderoga crewmembers who had fun at the Laser Tag event last Saturday.

Laser Tag fun at Boondocks

We really liked this arena as they had several styles of games that we could play and kids of all ages could participate.  It was discovered that they have unlimited laser tag games for $10/person from 6:00-10:00pm on Sunday.  Would you be willing to participate in a Sunday event?

The USS Ticonderoga will be returning to Boondocks on Saturday, June 18th to participate in their outdoor events (batting cages, miniature golf, go-kart racing, bumper boats w/water cannons, etc.)

Free pie after USS Ticonderoga meetings

Last Wednesday was the USS Ticonderoga February meeting at the Weber County Library-Main Branch .  This was the first meeting conducted by newly minted Captain Erica Stark.  She announced that Crewman Hollie Caudell was named Crewman of the Year for 2010.  She also announced that Rear Admiral Carl Stark was announced as the January Crewmember of the Month for all of his hard work towards the chapter.

This was also the first opportunity to announce some of the new Department Chiefs.  Lieutenant Frank Buck will be staying as the Chief of Security.  Lieutenant John Barnes has accepted the position of Chief of Communications.  One of his main goals is to get the Ticonderoga Transmissions newsletter back up and running.  Crewman Hollie Caudell will be remaining as the Chief of Tactical.  There are still several other positions that need to be filled such as Civilian (Counselor), Chief of Conn, Chief of Engineering, Chief of Medical, Chief of Operations and Chief of Science.  If you wish to be considered for a position, feel free to email the Application to Captain Erica Stark.

A question that always seems to come up after the meeting is “Where are we going to go eat?”  The crew likes to gather after the meetings and events to continue the socialization in a relaxed setting.  Today Captain Stark has decided that as long as Village Inn continues with the Free Pie Wednesdays, we will go to the Village Inn located at 322 12th Street in Ogden.  We will usually get there about 9:00-9:15pm.  So even if you can’t join us for the meeting due to work, see if you can join us for dinner afterwards.

Time for the February USS Ticonderoga meeting

Wednesday, February 9th at 7:00pm is the date and time for the next USS Ticonderoga monthly meeting.  The meeting will be held at the Weber County Library-Main Branch located at 25th and Jefferson in Ogden.  We will be in the basement meeting rooms.  This will be the first meeting that is conducted by newly minted Captain Erica Stark.  At the time she will be making some announcements on the open Department Chief positions.

Don’t forget that you can still apply to be a Department Chief by submitting this Application to Captain Stark.  This is the time for anyone who wishes to shape the future of our Star Trek club to step forward and live up to the fleet motto “We Do Not Stand Alone!”

New department chiefs needed

Job Posting listed: Wanted new department chiefs.  The USS Ticonderoga will soon be under a new Command Staff.  The new Captain has decided to release all department chiefs as of January 29th (at the Admiral’s Banquet) and to set up an application for those wishing to be a department chief.

Download the application here and email your answers directly to the new Captain, Erica Stark at

The departments that we are looking to fill are:

Communications  – responsible for: weekly briefings and club newsletter

Conn (flight control) – coordinate the exchange of ship’s newsletters with other special-interest groups and keep them in a scrapbook format for use in research.

Engineering – coordinate production of club paraphernalia and other items – T-shirts, hats, bumper stickers, badges, etc.

Medical – keep track of crew birthdays and anniversaries, and provide cards for senior staff to sign at staff meetings.

Operations – oversee the computer operations of the club, including email lists, Twitter, and Facebook, Wiki page.  (Due to the new Tico website being more of a blog-type site, as opposed to a traditional web page, updating of the Tico site will stay in the hands of the command staff – C.O., X.O., S.O.O.   Please note, this is different than the description on the website, because this decision was only recently arrived at, after much discussion.)

Science – coordinate Ticonderoga scrapbook of past events.

Security – coordinate Ticonderoga photo archive.

Tactical – keep crew informed of Star Trek gaming and coordinate any inter-ship/club competitions.  Organizing teams of Tico crewmembers, etc.

Counselor/Civilian department – Civilians are the club members who just want to come and play, they don’t want to worry about gaining rank advancements.  As such, this department doesn’t really have a specific duty, beyond ‘having fun’.   However, the chief of this department is still expected to be at all meetings and activities that their schedule permits, and keep the members of this department informed.

Ideas for 2011 Ticonderoga events

So at the January USS Ticonderoga meeting the crew discussed several ideas for upcoming events.  The events and activities are separate from the monthly USS Ticonderoga Meeting which is always held every second Wednesday of the month at the Weber County Library (25th and Jefferson in Ogden).  The events can be held on different dates depending upon the type of event.  Some months we can have more than one event depending upon the situation.  Most of the events are held for fun but there are also other events for community service and to help the crew in various projects.

Here is a tentative list of the events that were discussed at the meeting.  We are still looking for ideas for events as well as some of these events are not set in stone.

January: Admiral’s Banquet in Midvale (29th)

February: Laser Tag at Boondocks in Kaysville (19th)

March: St. Patrick’s Day Party at Hollie’s in Clinton (17th)

April: Star Trek Movie Marathon at TBA (2nd), Starfest Convention in Denver (15th-17th)

May: Utah Renaissance Festival & Fantasy Faire in Marriott-Slaterville (21st)

June: Boondocks events in Kaysville (18th)

July: Independence Day BBQ at TBA (4th), Harry Potter movie outing at Coleman’s Motor-Vu Drive In in Riverdale (Date TBA)

August: Seventh Fleet Olympics at TBA (Date TBA)

September: Adopt-A-Highway clean up and BBQ (Date TBA)

October: USS Voyager Simulator (8th), Halloween Party at TBA (31st)

November: LAN Party & Thanksgiving Leftovers Pot Luck at Dave Stock’s house in Syracuse (25th-26th)

December: New Years Eve Midwinter BBQ at Dave Stock’s house in Syracuse (31st)

Alternate Activities under consideration: Utah Museum of Natural History, Rocket launch, Paintball.

If you have any suggestions for activities, feel free to post them in the comments section.

Ticonderoga January Meeting

The January USS Ticonderoga meeting is a special thing.  Especially this one.  First this will be the last meeting under command of Captain Carl Stark.  At the end of the month he will be promoted to Rear Admiral and be moving to his new duties as a member of Admiral Hollinger’s staff.

The second reason is that this is the time that we ask the crew to help fill in our activity calendar for 2011.  We already know that January’s activity will be the Admiral’s Banquet.  The August activity is the Seventh Fleet Olympics and December’s activity will be our New Years Eve party.  However the rest of the time we want to know what the crew wants to do for fun.

So come for one more attempt at giving Captain Stark a hard time and let’s hear your ideas for what you would like to do for the upcoming year.

Additional Note: Lt. Commander Rhonda Hollinger has informed me that she can still take money for the Admiral’s Banquet if you still would like to go.  It is $13/person for a Chicken BBQ Buffet at Joe Morley’s BBQ in Midvale.  The banquet is on Saturday, January 29th.

Happy Holidays from the USS Ticonderoga

No matter what it is you celebrate this time of year, make it a good one.  Star Trek celebrates IDIC so we have a lot of members on the USS Ticonderoga that come from different cultures and backgrounds.  We here at the USS Ticonderoga hope that you and your family have the happiest of times. Don’t forget that we have the USS Ticonderoga New Years Eve Party coming up soon.

December USS Ticonderoga monthly meeting

Greetings All!

Just a quick reminder that this month’s meeting is the annual “White Mugato”  or “Purple Targ” (as you prefer) Gift Exchange.  It will be at the Weber County Library on 25th and Jefferson at 7:00pm on Wednesday the 8th.  We will be in our usual spot in the auditorium in the basement.  Just look for the USS Ticonderoga flag just outside the door.
Anyone wanting to participate must bring a wrapped, unmarked gift.  Please remember, NO previously-used personal hygiene items, nothing broken, missing parts, or just gross in general – unless it’s supposed to be that way.  If it’s something that you personally wouldn’t appreciate getting due to it’s condition, it’s probably a good bet no one else will appreciate it, either.  As far as gag or joke gifts go, just remember that this is a family-oriented group, so keep it a PG rating, please.   If you have nothing to re-gift and can’t/don’t want to make something, please remember that there is a $10.00 max amount to be spent.  We want everyone to have fun, not go broke.  =)
Hope to see you all there!

Proud chapter of Starfleet Command's Seventh Fleet