Category Archives: Caption Contest

Star Trek convention caption contest

Ok this one was to good to pass up.  The above photo is LeVar Burton at the Phoenix ComicCon that was held in May.  Several photos (and a really good video of the event) can be found at the Trek News website.  LeVar is listening to a “fan” ask him a question from the audience (the video explains who this is).  Before you watch the video, your challenge is to caption either the question OR what LeVar is thinking (or both).  Post your entries into the comments section and we will get a guest judge to declare the winner.

Caption Contest #1

This is the first of many caption contests we will post on the USS Ticonderoga website.  We will post an unusual image and invite anyone to post a comment with what you think the funniest caption should be.  Winners will be announced in a future post.

Here is the first photo for captioning.

Good luck to all of the entries.  We are looking forward to seeing them.