New department chiefs needed

Job Posting listed: Wanted new department chiefs.  The USS Ticonderoga will soon be under a new Command Staff.  The new Captain has decided to release all department chiefs as of January 29th (at the Admiral’s Banquet) and to set up an application for those wishing to be a department chief.

Download the application here and email your answers directly to the new Captain, Erica Stark at

The departments that we are looking to fill are:

Communications  – responsible for: weekly briefings and club newsletter

Conn (flight control) – coordinate the exchange of ship’s newsletters with other special-interest groups and keep them in a scrapbook format for use in research.

Engineering – coordinate production of club paraphernalia and other items – T-shirts, hats, bumper stickers, badges, etc.

Medical – keep track of crew birthdays and anniversaries, and provide cards for senior staff to sign at staff meetings.

Operations – oversee the computer operations of the club, including email lists, Twitter, and Facebook, Wiki page.  (Due to the new Tico website being more of a blog-type site, as opposed to a traditional web page, updating of the Tico site will stay in the hands of the command staff – C.O., X.O., S.O.O.   Please note, this is different than the description on the website, because this decision was only recently arrived at, after much discussion.)

Science – coordinate Ticonderoga scrapbook of past events.

Security – coordinate Ticonderoga photo archive.

Tactical – keep crew informed of Star Trek gaming and coordinate any inter-ship/club competitions.  Organizing teams of Tico crewmembers, etc.

Counselor/Civilian department – Civilians are the club members who just want to come and play, they don’t want to worry about gaining rank advancements.  As such, this department doesn’t really have a specific duty, beyond ‘having fun’.   However, the chief of this department is still expected to be at all meetings and activities that their schedule permits, and keep the members of this department informed.