Event/Meeting: Introduction to the USS Ticonderoga BBQ

1350122477497For the month of June we have decided to combine both our activity and meeting into one grand event.  Wednesday, June 12th we will be holding an Introduction to the USS Ticonderoga BBQ.  This will start at 7:00pm at the Kiwanis Park in Clearfield.  The address is 300 N. Vine Street.  Bring your own meat to grill and a dish to share.

If you have any questions about the Star Trek fan club, USS Ticonderoga or the Seventh Fleet (our parent organization), Q will be there to answer your questions.  Family and friends are welcome as it adds to the fun.  We will also be discussing the movie promotion and CONduit reviews.  We have changes coming up for the July activity that we need to decide upon.  There is also a discussion on the upcoming Salt Lake Comic Con that we need to plan for.

We can announce that one change has been made.  For the past several years we have been meeting at the Weber County Library in Ogden.  However with the second Wednesdays no longer being available due to the city taking over the meeting space, we needed to find a new location.  We wanted to stick with the second Wednesdays of the month for our meeting, so starting on July 10th we will be meeting at the Davis County North (Clearfield) library located at 562 S 1000 E.  This is just off of the Clearfield 700 south exit of I-15.

We are looking forward to seeing you at many of our upcoming fun activities and meetings.

One thought on “Event/Meeting: Introduction to the USS Ticonderoga BBQ”

  1. We need a “Like” button on this site. 😛

    Looking forward to the upcoming meetings. Does this mean Ogden City chased us out of their Library?

    Saying Q will be there may lead people to believe John De Lance will be there. Especially Non-Members that may come across this.

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