Category Archives: Events

What we are doing in November

2x08eWow, November 2016 already?  We dive into the holiday season with a variety of different activities and events.

Saturday, November 5th starting at 2:00pm the crew of the USS Ticonderoga will be gathering at the home of Kathy Campbell in Ogden (contact the Captain for the address).  We will be watching episodes or movies and working on rank advancement ADVOTs.  This is also a pot-luck so bring a dish to share (and your own drinks).

Tuesday, November 8th is Election Day.  To make this world a better place, we would like to encourage you to vote for the candidates of your choice.  On your duty report that you turn in at the start of December just note that you have voted and you will earn Leadership promotional merit points.

Wednesday, November 9th is the date of the USS Ticonderoga general meeting.  PLEASE NOTE: because the Roy Library was booked, we will be meeting at the Layton Library (Address: 155 Wasatch Dr near Layton High School).  Because we have to be done with the meeting at 8:30pm we will be skipping the 30 min “catch up” time that we usually have (in other words we will be starting right at 7:00pm instead of 7:30).  We don’t know if we will have time for show in tell but Admiral Stark will have the latest copy of the new Star Trek Encyclopedia to show off.

Friday, November 11 the Ticonderoga Senior Officers will be meeting.  Senior Officers please talk with the CO or XO for details.

Saturday, November 12th the Tactical Department is hosing a Co-op Game Night.  Details can be found here:

We hope that everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving Day on November 24th.  If you are braving the crowds on Black Friday, be safe.

What we will be doing in August (and early September)

71ieqe.jpgIf you are checking out our website after meeting us at the Star Trek Beyond promotion, welcome.  We hope that you find information on our Star Trek family interesting.  We look forward to meeting you and your family/friends at any of our upcoming meetings or activities.  We loved watching the new movie and we would like to thank the Layton Cinemark for hosting our promotion.  They were very accommodating.

Our first event in August will be our regular monthly meeting on Wednesday the 10th.  We will be meeting at the new Weber County Library – Southwest Branch (2039 West 4000 South, Roy, UT 84067).  This will be at 7:00pm in the large auditorium.    We will be discussing the movie, Star Trek/Sci-Fi Show and Tell and the upcoming events at the Salt Lake Comic Con (see below).

For our monthly activity the crew has decided to beat the heat and take in a swimming activity at the Roy Aquatic Center (2977 W 5200 S, Roy, UT 84067).  We will be enjoying the fun from Noon to 5:00pm on Saturday, August 20th.  You can bring in your own lunches.  Make sure you bring sunscreen and lawn chairs.

Salt Lake Comic Con will be held on Thurs-Sat, September 1-3.  The USS Ticonderoga is heading up the Seventh Fleet booth at the convention with our life size Borg Regeneration Alcove.  The Ticonderoga is also heading up a Star Trek panel at the convention.  William Shatner will be appearing on Thursday.  Other Star Trek guests are lined up for the event.  For details visit www.SaltLakeComicCon.con

Some news from the Fleet, Captain Roger Taylor has moved from Bountiful, Utah to Idaho Falls, Idaho.  He is taking the USS Essex up to it’s new patrol area and will be building a new crew.  The previous crew of the Essex have transferred to the new chapter-in-training, the PCU Protecteur.  Congratulations to the new chapter-in-training and good luck to Captain Taylor in Idaho.

What we will be doing in July

STBeyondNow that Independence Day is past us (and we hope that everyone had a safe Fourth of July Holiday) we can now focus on what the club will be doing in July, 2016.

Our regular monthly meeting is held every second Wednesday of the month, so on July 13th we will be meeting at the Weber County Southwest Library in Roy.  The address is 2039 West 4000 South, Roy, UT.  We will be meeting at7:00pm and we will have a special activity regarding the upcoming Star Trek Beyond movie so please be there at 7pm.  We may cut back on our usual 30 min social at the start of the meeting to get to our special event.

Saturday, July 16th is Fleet Day. The USS Rendezvous is hosting this event in Cache Valley.  If you want to go contact Captain Stark ASAP for meal arrangements (or you can bring your own) and directions to the event.  This is a chance to meet the other members of the Seventh Fleet in a very fun and relaxed environment.

July 22-23 we will be doing a promotion of Star Trek Beyond.  Do you have your costumes?  Can you help with the display table (showing off items)?  Can you help with the Borg Alcove?  Please come to the Ticonderoga meeting to discuss this.



What we will be doing in June

FanCon2016Wow, May was such a busy month that we didn’t get a blog post in.  Sorry about that.  We usually have a TON of discussions going on with our USS Ticonderoga Facebook page (click on link to visit).

We have a very busy month in June.  On Saturday, June 4th we will have a booth at the Weber County Library 3rd Annual FanCon (formerly known as Fantasticon).  This will be held at the Roy Library (same location as our meetings) from Noon to 3:00pm.  There will also be a food truck rally held at the same time.  There is no admission cost for this event.  This is a costumed activity so come and be prepared to show off the fun we have in the club.

Wednesday, June 8th is the monthly USS Ticonderoga business meeting at the Central Park located at 300 East Center Street, Clearfield (just to the east of the Clearfield City Hall and Wasatch Elementary).  This will start at 7:00pm (first 30 minutes is socialization, then meeting announcements and don’t forget a Star Trek/SF show and tell).  This is not a uniformed event, but we encourage club or Star Trek shirts.  Bring your dinner to BBQ or brown bag it.  For July’s meeting we will be back at the Roy library (there was no room for us in June).

Friday, June 10th will be the USS Ticonderoga Senior Officer’s meeting at Starbase 40.  Please make sure you have your reports into your Department Chief before this date.

Saturday, June 18th is our monthly activity.  We will be meeting at the home of Captain Stark (Starbase 40) in Clearfield for a BBQ and Star Trek Beyond prep night.  Bring your own meat and a dish to share.  We will be finishing up any preparations for the upcoming Star Trek Beyond movie promotion in July.  Captain Stark has a new BBQ grill to use.  This event will start at 2:00pm and run until finished.

Captain Stark will be attending the Seventh Fleet Council Meeting on Saturday, June 25th.  If you have any proposals for the 2017 Seventh Fleet Admiral’s Banquet (or any other proposals), you need to get them to Captain Stark before this meeting.

Also on June 25th and 26h will be the Hill AFB Air Show.  This event is free to the public and a lot of Ticonderoga members attend this event.  Make sure you bring your own lunch, water, sunscreen and folding chairs.  Give yourself lots of time with the crowds (traffic can be slow).  But seeing a lot of the older airplanes and newer craft can be very exciting.  This event only happens once every two years.

Don’t forget to check with your Department Chiefs for any upcoming department meetings or activities.

Future Events to keep in mind: July 13 Monthly meeting.  July 16 Seventh Fleet Games. July 22 Star Trek Beyond movie premier.  August 2-7 Las Vegas Star Trek Convention.  Sept 1-3 Salt Lake Comic Con.

April events

anim_37_bigGreetings everyone (especially the new people checking out or fun club).  We have a couple of items coming up for the month of April  in regards to meetings or activities.  Wednesday, April 13th is our monthly meeting.  This will be at the new Weber County Southwest Library in Roy.  The address is 2039 West 4000 South.  It is just to the west of the IOmega Building in Roy (and 1/2 block east of the Roy Frontrunner station).  This will be at 7:00pm and we have several new people showing up.  We met them at our FanX booth and are very interested in meeting the local Star Trek family.  Note: You do not need to wear uniforms to meetings.  We do encourage you to bring a Star Trek/Sci-Fi item to show off if you would like.  We also encourage you to bring a friend with you to the meetings (rank advancement points are awarded for recruiting new members).

One of the events we will be talking about is an upcoming game night where the Seventh Fleet CinC, Admiral Dennis Hollinger, will run a Star Trek game for us.  We will be deciding upon a date and location at the meeting.

Saturday, April 16th is the monthly activity.  We will be watching the 2009 Star Trek movie and passing off and ADVOT (Advanced Officer Training) sheet for rank promotions.  This will be at 2:00pm at the home of Captain Stark in Clearfield.  If you want to take an Academy Exam or a Commander’s Test for rank advancements, they will be available as well.

Don’t forget our future events are on the horizon such as Boondocks (May 21), FantastiCON (June 4), Movie Promotion prep BBQ (June 18) and the Star Trek Beyond movie promotion (July 22-23).

USS Ticonderoga 20th Anniversary makes local paper

The first USS Euphrates command staff at the official launching.
The first USS Euphrates command staff at the official launching.

EXTRA, EXTRA!!!!! Read all about it.  Yes once again our Star Trek club has made the local newspaper.  In the Friday (March 18th) edition of the Ogden Standard Examiner published an interview with Captain Erica Stark and Rear Admiral Carl Stark about the 20th Anniversary of our Star Trek family.    The article can be found here:

Can you believe it?  We started this little get together in the basement of the Clearfield Library in March, 1996.  Our first activity was a visit to the Hill AFB Museum.

What are your memories from the past 20 years?  We would love to hear them.

A note from the Captain: November events and meetings

Tic_badge_02Saturday, November 7, is our swimming trip to the Bountiful Rec Center, noon to 3 pm. Cost is $5 for adults and $3.50 for kids ages 3-17 Address is 550 North 200 West in Bountiful.  Please note that I did not reserve the party room. Reason why is listed next.

Wednesday, November 11, is our general meeting. This will be held in classroom 42 (seriously), in the Clearfield Community Arts Center. 140 Center Street. The classroom is upstairs. Park in the west parking lot and come in the west doors. There is an elevator available.  We will be talking about our future meeting location options.  Please bring ideas.

Friday, November 13, SOM. This will be done via Google hangouts.

Saturday, November 14, Star Trek Game Day, 6-9 pm. Come to SB 40 to play Star Trek Monopoly. (If you have a copy of any of the Star Trek Monopoly games, please bring it.) Please bring snacks to share and your own drinks.

Saturday, November 21, is our beginning leather-working class, 5 pm until we’re done, at SB 40. This activity will be a potluck, so please bring a dish to share. A donation of $5.00 per project is kindly requested, and the class size will be strictly limited to 12. PLEASE RSVP on the leather-working post found on our Facebook page.

Saturday, November 28, is the quarterly Fleet council. If there’s anything you want brought up, I need to to know about it by game day.

This month turned out to be a busy one! Hope to see you at whichever activities you can make! =)

October meeting (14th) and activity (17th)

anim_39_bigSo after having a ton of fun raising money for the Children’s Justice Center at the Salt Lake Comic Con-Seventh Fleet booth we now turn our attention to October.

Wednesday, October 14th we will be returning to the Roy Library for our monthly meeting (we don’t know if this will stay permanent for the winter months).  The address to the library is 1950 West 4800 South.  The meeting will start at 7:00pm in the auditorium.  We may have several new recruits checking us out so be prepared to introduce yourself and talk about the fun we have in our Star Trek family.  This would also be a good meeting to bring new recruits to.

Saturday, October 17th we will be holding an activity at the Black Island Farms cornmaze (Utah’s largest maze) in Syracuse (address is 3178 South 3000 West).   We will be meeting in the courtyard at 4:00pm.  The courtyard has play areas for the kids.  We would advise having a jacket, good walking shoes, a flashlight and water with you.  There is food available within the facility or you can eat before coming over.  Cost depends upon how many attractions you wish to visit (Cornmaze, Pumpkin Ride, Haunted house).  They have combos and specials on their website at

Note 1: The Hogle Zoo activity has been moved to 2016.  We will discuss dates at our January monthly meeting.

Note 2: Department Chiefs please contact the CO or XO about the date/time for the next Senior Officers Meeting.

USS Ticonderoga, NCC-74676-A officially launched

CaptStark_AdmHollingerNow that Captain Erica Stark has completed all of the requirements to achieve the rank of Captain (not an easy task in the Seventh Fleet) the next version of the USS Ticonderoga can now launched.  At the USS Ticonderoga room party at CONduit, Seventh Fleet CinC Admiral Dennis Hollinger officially launched the USS Ticonderoga, NCC-74676-A.  Ronin Class Starship.  Admiral Hollinger presented the dedication plaque for the new starship to Captain Stark.



Even with this major goal accomplished, the Ticonderoga is not sitting on it’s laurels.  We have Fantasicon coming up at the Pleasant Valley Library (Weber County) on June 6th.  We also have a ton of events planned for the year and we are also continuing to grow.  We could have two new chapter-in-training Runabouts launched by the end of summer.  Now is when we need your help and now is when we need new ideas.  It’s time to boldly go.  Let’s see what’s out there.

19th Anniversary, March Meeting and March Activity

picard_clappingFirst: The USS Ticonderoga started as a Star Trek club on this date, March 9th, all the way back in 1996.  We met at the Clearfield Library to announce our launching (as the USS Euphrates, a chapter-in-training off of the USS Kelly) and then went to the Hill AFB Museum as the activity.  That was nineteen years ago.  How many clubs last for over nineteen years?  Congratulations to all of you who contribute towards the club.

Second: The March Meeting is coming up on Wednesday the 11th at 7:00pm.  And yes we are back at the Roy Library after having to find alternate locations for the last two months.  Bring your Star Trek show and tell items.  More importantly, bring a friend to introduce to the club.  Remember you gain 10 leadership points for each new recruit.

Third: Our March activity will be held on Saturday the 14th.  Lt. Richard Luke will be conducting a leather working class.  There is a $5 material fee for the items we are making (a rounder, a coin purse or a key-chain).  Please RSVP at the meeting so we have enough material.  We are also encouraging everyone to celebrate Pi Day by bringing a favorite pie.  This will start at noon at Starbase 40.   You may want to eat lunch before coming over.