April events

anim_37_bigGreetings everyone (especially the new people checking out or fun club).  We have a couple of items coming up for the month of April  in regards to meetings or activities.  Wednesday, April 13th is our monthly meeting.  This will be at the new Weber County Southwest Library in Roy.  The address is 2039 West 4000 South.  It is just to the west of the IOmega Building in Roy (and 1/2 block east of the Roy Frontrunner station).  This will be at 7:00pm and we have several new people showing up.  We met them at our FanX booth and are very interested in meeting the local Star Trek family.  Note: You do not need to wear uniforms to meetings.  We do encourage you to bring a Star Trek/Sci-Fi item to show off if you would like.  We also encourage you to bring a friend with you to the meetings (rank advancement points are awarded for recruiting new members).

One of the events we will be talking about is an upcoming game night where the Seventh Fleet CinC, Admiral Dennis Hollinger, will run a Star Trek game for us.  We will be deciding upon a date and location at the meeting.

Saturday, April 16th is the monthly activity.  We will be watching the 2009 Star Trek movie and passing off and ADVOT (Advanced Officer Training) sheet for rank promotions.  This will be at 2:00pm at the home of Captain Stark in Clearfield.  If you want to take an Academy Exam or a Commander’s Test for rank advancements, they will be available as well.

Don’t forget our future events are on the horizon such as Boondocks (May 21), FantastiCON (June 4), Movie Promotion prep BBQ (June 18) and the Star Trek Beyond movie promotion (July 22-23).