From the Captain: August 2017 events

      Greetings, All! And happy August.  The summer has been so filled with events and occurrences (some good, some sad, some irritating) that it just got away from us.

      We still have a LOT of activities coming up, so we’re not done yet.  First up is the “We Can’t go to Star Trek: Las Vegas” trip to Wendover, NV. There are still some spaces left on the fun bus. (Follow link for details)
      August 12th is Fleet day! Come join other members of the fleet for a day of games, food and fun! Please RSVP to me by Saturday, Aug 5th, if you are planning on partaking of the lunch provided. (Follow link for details)
Fleet Day info
Also, if you are able, please remember to bring a small donation for the command project:
(We will have a box at the August meeting if you wish to donate, but won’t be attending Fleet day.)
      August 21st is the Solar Eclipse party. Join us as we check out this super rare event. (Most of us will only get to experience a full solar eclipse once or twice in our lifetimes!) (Follow link for details)
      Don’t forget our regular monthly meeting, Wednesday, August 9th, at the Roy library, 7 pm. Don’t forget to bring your show-and-tell items.
      For our new and returning department chiefs, the Senior Officers’ Meeting will be taking place on Friday, August 11th, at Starbase 40.
      Keep an eye out for the announcement of the Admiral’s game. We will be the guinea pig for Admiral Stark’s game.

      September is shaping up to be chock-full of activities, as well.  I hope to see you all at some or all of these activities.