After Action Report: June Meeting

Here is a note from the Executive Officer about the June USS  Ticonderoga meeting:

Greetings, Crew!
     Many thanks to those of you who braved the rain to join us at our little picnic.  We had fun, and lots of kids got wet.  =)
To those of you who participated in the Ticonderoga RPG run for us by the USS Retributor, please send me your mission logs.  (If you played one of the pre-made characters and can’t recall your character’s name, son;t worry about it.)  Tell me what you did, and please indicate where you left off.  =)  I intend to compile all of them and we will use them to bring everyone up to speed when we have our next game session.  I don’t know yet when that will be.  As soon as it can be coordinated, I will let you all know.  =)
      Many thanks also to Capt. Rex Rouviere and the crew of the Retributor for running the game, and playing with us. =)
-=/\=- Erica Stark  _/\_
X.O., U.S.S. Ticonderoga

Additional notes: Congratulations go out to Lt. (j.g.) Tim Madden for being named June Crewmember of the Month.  Tim has worked hard for several years on the USS  Ticonderoga website and will be missed when he moves his family to Nebraska this summer.  Also we had orders given out to a new crewmember, a recruit returned for her second meeting (and will receive her orders next month).  We also had a new recruit show up to check us out (he was brought by a friend who will earn 10 Leadership Points for him when he receives his orders) .  I also wanted to welcome the crewmembers who had not been to to a meeting in years.  It was good to see you.

Captain Carl Stark

One thought on “After Action Report: June Meeting”

  1. We’ll miss you lots, Tim! I’m glad we got to see yo at least one more time before you all head out on your next mission.

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