August USS Ticonderoga meeting

2x04a1The second Wednesday of the month is almost here.  That means its time for the USS Ticonderoga monthly meeting.  Don’t forget that we are now meeting at the Davis County North library in Clearfield.  The address is 562 South and 1000 East.  We will start at 7:00pm in the basement meeting rooms (there is a back entrance for anyone who wishes to avoid the stairs).

This will be the last meeting before the White Buffalo Games on August 24th (our monthly activity for August) and the Salt Lake Comic Con on September 5th through the 7th (our monthly activity for September).  So come with your questions, car pool information/requests and we will find answers for you.

Don’t forget to bring a show-in-tell item and most important, bring a friend.  We look forward to seeing everyone there.