USS Ticonderoga meeting and auction information

The month of June brings about the USS Ticonderoga meeting and official monthly activity.  The meeting will be at the standard date/time/location of the second Wednesday of the month (June 13th) at the Weber County Library main branch (25th and Jefferson in Ogden) at 7:00pm (look for us in the basement meeting rooms).  If you have donations for the USS Ticonderoga auction, please bring them to the meeting so we can get them organized.

As you can probably guess, the USS Ticonderoga auction will be our official monthly activity for June.  The auction will take place on Saturday, June 16th at 2:00pm.  It will be held at the home of the Executive Officer, Dave Stock.  The address is 1190 West 1700 South in Syracuse.  There will be several members from the Seventh Fleet in attendance.  Please bring friends and chairs and enjoy our company in the backyard.  There will be a Taco Bar for dinner ($3.00/person or $10.00/family).  Checks and cash will be accepted.  The USS Ticonderoga charges no dues to join our Star Trek fan club (it already costs too much to be a Star Trek fan).  This is the same policy with our parent organization, the Seventh Fleet.  There are no dues to join our Star Trek family.  We use this fundraiser to cover basic operational costs (website, printing, awards, supplies, etc.) and keep the club dues free.  If you can help out, we would greatly appreciate it.  As you can see from our picture, apparently Garak outbid Quark on one of the items, will you be outbid?