All posts by Erica Stark

Happy Holidays *<]=)}

December Greetings!

The year has flown by so fast, and 2019 is nearly done. (For some of us, that may not be a bad thing.)

Just a couple of reminders:

Wednesday, December 11, is our monthly meeting. This will be our gift exchange meeting, and our mugato mascot is orange this year.

For the gift exchange:

*Items can be new or used. (If buying new, please don’t spend more than $10.00.)
*For used items – PLEASE ensure they are clean and have all their parts. (No used hygiene items. It’s a white elephant exchange, but make sure that whatever you give is something you wouldn’t mind receiving.)

*All items need to be wrapped, with no tags. (Wrapped in a plastic grocery bag or newspaper is totally fine.)

*Each person wishing to participate in the exchange must bring a gift.

*Remember that if the gift you bring – the item itself, not the wrapping paper or packaging – matches our mugato, you get a treat. What will that be? You ask. I don’t know yet, I answer.  😉

*I will go to the library earlier in the day and pay the food fee, so feel free to bring light snacks if you’d like. (Nothing that can’t be cleaned up with a broom, please!)

December 31st is our annual New Year’s Eve party. This year the theme is a Hawaiian luau, and the meal is Hawaiian haystacks.

If you’d like to join us, please head over to the Facebook page and sign up for something on the event announcement
or email me directly,

Here’s hoping the last weeks of 2019 are kind and filled with joy!

-=/\=- Erica

September Already!!!!!

Greetings, all!

If you’re just finding us after FanX, welcome! Thank you for taking the time to check us out.

Our monthly meeting is this Wednesday, September 11, 2019, at the Roy branch of the Weber county library; 2039 w. 4000 s., Roy. Our meeting room will be open at 6:30 pm, and we will start with the informational part of the meeting at 7 pm.
A)-Don’t forget your awesome show-n-tell items.
B)-Remember that Damon will be asking a couple questions from the latest issue of the newsletter and has prizes to hand out for correct answers. (You can find the latest newsletter under the download links.)

The basics: we have been around for over twenty years. Our area of patrol covers from Ogden to Kaysville (roughly), and are a founding member of a larger group of Star Trek clubs, Starfleet Command’s Seventh Fleet. The fleet stretches from southern Idaho (Burley/Heyburn/Rupert and Idaho Falls, specifically), all the way down to Utah county.

We are a free club, because, as Admiral Stark likes to say, it already costs too much to be a Star Trek fan. What this means on a practical basis is that you pay your own way. We try to have a good mix of free and paid activities, to include the largest number of people. From time to time, we will hold fundraising events, generally for larger items like ship banners and the medals that we award for various reasons.

As far as involvement goes, you can be as active or as passive as you’d like. Some people enjoy going through the ranks and taking on leadership roles within the club. Others prefer to just come and have fun with like-minded people. All are welcome. We make sure it’s easy to cater to your personal level of enjoyment.

(Also, in case you’re wondering, no, we don’t care if you are a member of another Star Trek – or any other fandom – club; and no, we aren’t *just* about Star Trek.)

On other fronts, this is the last month for the awesome display at the Roy library. If you haven’t had a chance to check it out, make sure you do so. Maybe come to the meeting a little early, so you have time to peruse the amazing collection.

To end this post, I’ll just drop a reminder here about the Klingon End of Summer BBQ. Saturday, September 28, 1-4 pm, at Central park, 330 Center st., Clearfield. BYOM and something to share. The ship will provide plates, napkins, utensils, basic condiments, and charcoal for the grill.

Thanks again for your time, and I hope to see you all there on Wednesday!

-=/\=- Erica

A New Year and the Chain of Command

January 27, 2018
Promoting the rear admiral to vice admiral

Greetings, all! And happy new year!
I hope the first weeks of 2019 have been treating you well. We have a great opportunity to truly show off what the otters can do, when we host the annual Fleet Banquet on the 26th. I have full faith that we can blow it out of the water – we’ve pulled together and made great things happen many times in the past.
Thank you, all, for a great 2018. I know we can make 2019 even better.

A short note on chain of command, both within the club and within the fleet. There has been much discussion concerning observing the chain of command, which is also the chain of communication.
When we’re talking about official communications, there is a very specific trail to follow: department chief > first officer > commanding officer > fleet council > admiralty board. If you truly feel as though you have an issue that you can’t discuss with your department chief, your first option should be another department chief, or the assistant department chief, who can then bring it to the X.O., who can then take it to the C.O. Ideally, we are close enough that we can take care of issues quickly and between the involved parties. If, for whatever reason, you feel as though you can’t speak directly to the necessary party, there are workarounds to solve any issues.
There have been occasions within the fleet wherein members of a ship have gone either directly to the admiralty, or to members of a different ship, disrespecting and disregarding the official chain of command, blowing problems completely out of proportion, and blindsiding their COs and XOs when the issues are brought up at fleet council meetings. Keep in mind that this is *only* for official fleet business or issues. Chatting with other members of our fleet-wide family is welcomed and encouraged.

Thank you all for your time. See you next time!
-=/\=- Erica

Website Under Construction

Hard at work

Greetings, All!

I hope you’re surviving the cold weather we’re having. ( Personally, I will be very happy when the warm weather returns.)

As you may have noticed, there are parts of our site here that are terribly out of date. We are working on getting things fixed. We have a crack(ed) team of specialists working to mend, spit and polish her up.  Please be patient as we work our way through this endeavor.

Our events calendar is always up-to-date, so you can go there for quick checks.

In the meantime, if you haven’t already done so, please take a gander at the latest newsletter. It’s big and beautiful and full of fun stuff.

Our meeting on December 12th is our annual Mugato Gift Exchange. This year, our mugato is red. What this means is that if the gift you bring is red, you get a little treat. (It must be the gift itself that is red, not the wrapping paper/bag.)  All gifts need to be wrapped and anonymous. If you choose something that is new and store bought, please don’t spend more than $10.00 on it. We’re just having fun and don’t want to break the bank. Handmade items are always popular. If the item you bring is used, please make sure that it is clean, has all it’s parts, and is in good working order. In short, make it something that you would like to receive.

We will be meeting in the classroom in December, so that we can have treats.

I hope to see you all there. We have some fun things to hand out before the craziness gets underway.

As you slide down the banisters of life, may the slivers never point the wrong way.  =)

-=/\=-  Erica

*USS Ticonderoga* Seventh Fleet day and August activities

redAll hands to duty stations!

August is going to be a busy month for us!  Hope you all are up to the challenge.


August 9th is Tico RPG prep night. Come and create a character for the Ticonderoga/Seventh fleet role playing game. 6 pm, SB 40.


August 13th is our general meeting, held this month at the Roy library auditorium, 7 pm.


For department chiefs, we have the Senior Officers’ meeting on August 15th, at SB 40.  7 pm, and dinner will be provided.


August 16th is Fleet Day, and it’s been a long time (seven years) since the Tico hosted a fleet event.

I’ve already sent an email to the C.O.s and X.O.s of all the other ships, asking them for a headcount of attendees, because we will be providing the meal for the day.

The following departments are in charge of side dishes and/or salads:

Medical, Science, Conn, Engineering, Civilians, Communications and Tactical.

Security has drinks and Ops has chips.

Our illustrious X.O. is taking care of condiments.

The Rear Admiral and I will be covering the plates, cups, utensils, napkins, and charcoal for the grill, and the ship is providing the meat.

Security is also providing the Nerf guns for the target practice game.  We have a couple of styrofoam red shirts for targets.

If anyone has coolers that we can use for the day to keep our food safe, please bring them along. (Make sure they are marked, so they get back to the correct homes.)

We are also in need of donations of the following:

Buckets and large sponges (please no scrubby-tops) for the water fight; a game net, old towels (they will rip), and water balloons for the water balloon volleyball; lots of 6-sided dice for Liar’s Dice (there will be several games running at once, rather than 1 huge game); and an extra-long tape measure for saucer separation.

There will be AdvOTs/PMPs available to be taken and lots of command grade officers to pass them off.

We will start arriving at the park (Island View Park, 1800 South Main st., Clearfield), at 8 am to get everything set up.  We will begin serving lunch at 11 am.  The auction will begin at 12:30 and will only run for 2 hours. The games, panels, and Admiral’s Challenge will run from 3-7 pm, and cleanup will run until 8.


August 23rd will be another game night at SB 40. We will be playing Apples to Apples and Zombie dice.


Coming in the near future is Salt Lake Comic Con. The White Buffalo will again be running the Artemis bridge simulator, and will need help.  In order to qualify for the free passes, you will have to commit to at least 4 hours of service at the bridge simulator each day of the convention.  There will be a schedule for the volunteers, and more complete information will be coming soon.


Thank you for all that you do, and I hope to see you all attending at least one of the activities this month.


*USS Ticonderoga* June 2014 Monthly Meeting

mj29z.jpgIt’s deja’ vu all over again.

Those of you who have been around awhile can probably guess at this news.  We’ve been bumped by the Roy library in favor of a library event.  So, we will be moving the meeting to the bowery in front of the Clearfield Aquatic Center.

(For you newcomers, if you want the whole sordid story, we’ll be happy to relate it. )

Department chiefs: PLEASE CALL YOUR PEOPLE!!!!!

825 s. State Street, 7 pm. Bus route 470 runs right past the bowery, and no, you don’t have to pay to go to the pool in order to get to the bowery, though if you’d like to go swimming before the meeting, it’s a pretty nice pool.

Remember to bring any show-and-tell items with you.

We will be discussing our upcoming activities for the summer months.

Department chiefs, remember that this coming Friday, June 13, is the senior officers’ meeting, held this month at Starbase 40.  Dinner will be provided.

Hope to see you all there!  =)

USS Ticonderoga – Weber County Library Event

505839_oGreetings All!

I hope these first days of Summer break have been fun so far.

This Saturday, June 7, is our first event of the month.  We will be providing photo ops and ambiance for a comic-con event at the Pleasant Valley branch of the Weber county library system.

The address is 5568 Adams Avenue Parkway, Ogden.  The event itself runs from 1-5 pm, though we can show up at any time after 10 am to set up.

Adams Avenue parkway is the toll road from I-84 up to south Ogden, and the library is near Ogden Regional Medical Center.

Please be in uniform or costume – we want to show off the wide range of interests the Tico crew enjoys, so wear your favorite, whether or not it’s from Star Trek.  Make sure to also wear a smile, (because you’re never fully dressed without a smile!), and be ready to pose for pictures and prepared to have fun.

(Yes, this will be an ideal recruiting event, and we want to put our best foot forward.)

There are plenty of restaurants of all types in that area, so we can go for dinner as a group somewhere, and play my favorite game – freak the muggles.

I hope to see everyone there and having a good time.


USS Ticonderoga May 2014 Meeting

intrepidGreetings, all!  I hope you all had a great weekend, and that all the moms and mom-figures enjoyed their day.


First off, let me thank all of you who came out to the rocket launch on Saturday, May 10th.  We had a great a time blowing bubbles, flying kites, and launching rockets.  (Pictures and videos will be posted as soon as they are transferred from my phone.)

We’ll be doing another launch this summer, so if you didn’t get to join us this weekend, you’ll have another chance mid-July.


The last thing for today – remember that this Wednesday, May 14th, is our regular monthly meeting.  We will be having a barbeque in the park.  Here are the vitals:

Central Park, 140 e. Center st., Clearfield, UT.

Bring your own meat and drink, and a dish to share, and any show and tell items you may have. The ship will provide plates, napkins, utensils, and charcoal for the grill.

I hope to see you all there!

USS Ticonderoga May 2014 Meeting

FanX/TNG_BridgeGreetings, All!

And a special welcome to those finding us from FanX!  I hope you all had a great time, and have recovered from the madness that is a sci-fi convention.

We have a lot of info to get out, so I’ll keep things as succinct as possible.

First off, for you department chiefs – remember that this Saturday, April 26th, is the senior officers’ meeting, this month held at the Prettyman/Lewis home, at 2 pm. Contact me for the address if you haven’t been there before.  Also, if you are going to be unable to attend, please either send a representative with a report, or send me your report directly. Several of us are looking at going to a roller derby game in Ogden afterwards, and anyone that wants to is welcome to join us.

Second, for May, remember that our activity will be taking place before the monthly meeting.

Activity details: Saturday, May 10 – Rocket Launch/Kite fly/Picnic, Ellison Park, Layton, 12 noon until we’re done.

Ellison Park is at the west end of Hill Field road.  Be sure to bring a kite to fly, a rocket to launch, a picnic (if you wish), plus chairs or blankets, sunscreen, and water. We  will have the banner up, and, if you have either a Tico shirt or the new fleet shirt, please wear it.


Meeting details: Wednesday, May 14 – BYOM Barbeque, Central Park, Clearfield, 7 pm.  (Meetings at the Roy library auditorium will resume in June.)

This meeting is bring your own meat & drinks, and a dish to share. The ship will provide plates/napkins/utensils, and charcoal for the grill.  Remember to bring any show-and-tell items, and your convention stories.

As an aside, if you want to purchase a fleet shirt, they are still available, though in limited quantities.  Sizes are adult medium through 3XL, and the shirts are $15.00 each.  We are looking at adding a Tico design to the backs of the shirts.  (If you had a chance to see them at the con, the USS Rendezvous had added the shuttle and ship to the backs of their shirts.) Contact myself or Lt. Dave Stock if you wish to purchase a shirt.

On our long-range sensors, we have the Weber county library event on June 7, from 1-5 pm at the Ogden branch. We will have a booth, and will need people in costume/uniform to mingle for photo-ops.  Any sci-fi and fantasy costumes are welcome, just be sure they are kept at a G or PG rating.

That will cover us for the next several weeks.  We’ll have a game day or two in May, and as soon as we have those dates set, you’ll find the info here, on Facebook, and in your email.  Have a great week!


USS Ticonderoga Monthly Meeting

The_Magnificent_FerengiGreetings, all!

I hope this spring has been going well for you, in spite of the snow.  It looks like this week is going to be beautiful, and I hope you get the chance to enjoy it.

this Wednesday, April 9th, is the monthly meeting at the Roy branch of the Weber county library, 4800 s. and 1900 w.  in Roy, Utah, at 7 pm.

We’ll be in the auditorium again.  Don’t forget to bring any show-and-tell items you may have.  This will be our last meeting before FanX.  Hope to see you all there.