And now a word from Captain Erica Stark:
The 2012 Seventh Fleet Admiral’s Banquet will be held on Saturday, January 28th in Richmond, Utah. This is a potluck banquet. Here is how the food, etc., will be handled.
There are 6 categories of items to bring, and 15 slots for each item, fleet-wide. The slots are first come, first served, so I need for you to choose your top 3 items. Commodore Henline will slot your name into an available slot/item, and I will pass the information back to you. Please only sign up if you will be attending. You can email your selections back to me.
Below are the categories:
1 – Main Dish – must be soup, stew or chili. 12 servings’ worth only, please.
2 – Salads – green, jello, potato, macaroni, etc. 12 servings’ worth only, please.
3 – Bread – rolls, etc. 12 servings’ worth only, please.
4 – Desserts – any. 12 servings’ worth only, please.
5 – Drinks – any. 12 servings’ worth only, please.
6 – Dishes – plates, bowls, utensils, cups, napkins. Enough of any one item for 12 people.
I can tell you that the main dish slots were filling up quickly at the fleet council meeting. Also, the given items are one per family/couple/individual. If you attend by yourself, you are responsible for 1 item. A couple is responsible for 1 item. A family is responsible for 1 item.
Remember that the dress code for the banquet is uniforms or best possible dress.
Please let me know your selections ASAP.
Also, if any of you have pictures of any 2011 ship activities, please send a copy to me. Each ship is again responsible for a 5-minute video report, and I need to have it ready to go by January 26th.
Thanks, all!